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Please fill out the Lindmor Scholars in Religious Studies form.


The purpose of the Lindmor Scholars Fund is to provide annual financial assistance to undergraduate majors and minors in the Department for the Study of Religions who have an interest in engaging and advancing the public good through service, projects, or research with populations who are underserved or have a demonstrated need. Service, projects, or research may take place domestically and abroad, with preference given (but not exclusively) for developing countries.[1] Learning opportunities include internships (paid or unpaid); student/faculty research projects; community service projects; and job-shadowing or relevant “real life” experience.[2] Support from the fund may be used for travel and travel related expenses, or scholarships for tuition.

[1] Developing Nations as defined by the World Bank in 2017. For a list, please visit this International Statistical Institute.

[2] Partnering programs should come from one of these lists of pre-approved agencies: (1) Office of Civic and Community Engagement, (2) Directory of Nonprofits, Government Agencies, & Social Impact Companies, (3) United Nations Office of Geneva – List of NGOs. Any agencies/programs not on these lists should be discussed with your adviser in the Department for the Study of Religions prior to filling out the application.


Typically, funding of up to $3,000.00 will be awarded to domestic projects, including summer internships, and funding of up to $4,000.00 will be awarded to international projects. [1]

[1] WFU prohibits travel to countries where the U.S. Department of State has Travel Advisories of Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) and Level 4 (Do Not Travel) unless prior approval has been obtained from the Center for Global Programs and Studies. A current list of travel advisories is available at US Department of State: Bureau of Consular Affairs. Faculty, staff and students may submit a request to travel to a country with a designated Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or Level 4 (Do Not Travel), but should be aware that such requests require additional time for review and that approval of such requests is never automatic.


  1. Applicant must be a current Wake Forest University undergraduate student with a major or minor in Religious Studies who has completed at least 9 hours of coursework or is completing 9 hours of coursework in the semester they apply.[1]
  2. Applicant must demonstrate the community served and public good advanced by their project.
  3. Applicant must articulate their research/project objectives.
  4. All Religious Studies major and minors are invited to consider this opportunity. First generation university students are encouraged to apply.
  5. [1] Students whose course completion in Religious Studies drops below 9 hours will become ineligible.

All Religious Studies major and minors are invited to consider this opportunity. First generation university students are encouraged to apply.

[1] Students whose course completion in Religious Studies drops below 9 hours will become ineligible.


1.     Application Cover Letter addressed to the Chair (Dr. Mary Foskett). The letter should include a brief explanation of the student’s eligibility for the award, a summary of the proposed project, including a description of the program pursued, its mentoring structure, and the student’s research/project objectives. It should also demonstrate the student’s academic and personal preparation for undertaking such an endeavor.

2.     At least (1) letter of recommendation from a professor in the Department for the Study of Religions who has agreed to serve as the applicant’s mentor.

3.     Description of the Program (information on the program and/or the trip/internship/research planned, include dates and location)

4.     Proposed budget (total amount requested and how the funds would be used). If you need assistance constructing a budget, please consult your mentor in the Department for the Study of Religions. Priority consideration will be given to applicants who do are not receiving additional university funding for their proposed project.

5.     Verification of student’s commitment to and enrollment in proposed program.

6.     Indicate agreement to do the following as a Lindmor Scholar in Religious Studies: (1) provide a written summary report of accomplishments and what has been learned from the project to the Chair and Faculty Mentor; (2) present an oral report at a departmental Lindmor Scholars Colloquy, and attend a Lindmor Scholars reception that will immediately follow the seminar.

Please e-mail the completed application and materials as a .pdf file to:

Dr. Mary Foskett (

The deadline for this application is rolling until further notice.