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Assistant Professor


309 Divinity and Religious Studies Building

Dr. Rosy Kandathil is an assistant professor in the Department for the Study of Religions, where she teaches courses that center the critical study of biblical literature. Her current book project is a comparative literary investigation of the Hebrew and Greek versions of the biblical book of Esther. Tentatively titled, “Seriously Funny: Humor and Violence in the Narrative Traditions of Esther,” the project explores constructions of gender, power, and Jewish identity during the Second Temple period. Her research has been supported by the Louisville Institute and the Forum for Theological Exploration.

Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a trial attorney in the Criminal Defense Division of the Legal Aid Society in New York City.  In addition to this professional experience, Dr. Kandathil brings certification in spiritual direction and an extensive background in monastic and contemplative spirituality, including three years of ecumenical Benedictine monastic life and formation at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison, WI.