Mary F. Foskett teaches in the area of New Testament Studies and has been a core faculty member of Women’s and Gender Studies. She was the inaugural director of the WFU Humanities Institute. Her primary research interest is in contemporary approaches to New Testament interpretation, especially feminist and culturally contextualized interpretations of biblical texts and traditions.
Ph.D., Emory University (New Testament and Christian Origins)
M.Div., Union Theological Seminary, NYC
B.A., New York University
Diverse Strands of a Common Thread: An Introduction to Ethnic Chinese Biblical Interpretation. Chuen King Lecture Series 11. Co-edited with Sze-kar WanGen. ed., Lo Lung-Kwong. Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2014.
Interpreting the Bible: Approaching the Text in Preparation for Preaching. Elements of Preaching. Fortress Press, 2009.
Between Experience and Interpretation: Engaging the Writings of the New Testament. Co-edited with O. Wesley Allen. Abingdon Press, 2008.
Ways of Being, Ways of Reading: Asian-American Biblical Interpretation. Co-edited with Jeffrey Kah-Jin Kuan. Chalice Press, 2006.
A Virgin Conceived: Mary and Classical Representations of Virginity. Indiana University Press, 2002.
REL 102: Introduction to the Bible
REL 106: The Bible in America
REL 318/618: Feminist and Contemporary Interpretations of the Bible
REL 320/620: The Search for Jesus
REL 323/623 Jesus Traditions
REL 324/624: Early Christian Literature
REL 720: History of Biblical Interpretation
REL 726: Seminar in Early Christianity Studies