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311 Divinity and Religious Studies Building

Jarrod Whitaker is a Professor in the Department for the Study of Religions at Wake Forest University, where he teaches courses relating to Asian Religions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism, and also theory and method courses on religion, ritual, and gender. He served as the Director of the Department’s M.A. Program in Religious Studies (2011-2019), and served as a rotating core faculty member for the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (2015-2017). He holds a M.A. with First Class Honors in Religious Studies from The University of Canterbury, New Zealand (1998), and a Ph.D. in Asian Cultures and Languages from The University of Texas at Austin (2005). He is the author of many articles on ancient India and also the monograph Strong Arms and Drinking Strength: Masculinity, Violence, and the Body in the Ancient India (Oxford University Press, 2011). He edited the volume A Cultural History of Hinduism in Antiquity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024), and has completed the manuscript for a new monograph, Scorched-Earth Poetry and the Power of Hate Speech in Ancient India.